

VZW National Belgian Rottweiler Club

Article 1. – Name and headquarters

1.1 The association is named NATIONAL BELGIAN ROTTWEILER CLUB, non-profit association and was founded 17/08/2015. Affiliation with the Koninklijke Kynologische Unie Sint Hubertus has been requested. The association was founded for indefinite time.

1.2 The address of the registered office is Kortewagenstraat 39, 8800 Roeselare and falls within the competence of the jurisdiction of the district Kortrijk but can be changed by the board of directors to any address within the kingdom Belgium.

Article 2. - Goal

The association does not seek any personal profit for her members and has as goal: striving for the preservation and improvement of the conformity of the FCI breed standard of the Rottweiler as well as encouraging and improving breeding Rottweilers with respect for the FCI breed standard and for the Algemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V. both for the fysical appearances as character. Another goal is bringing together breeders and fans of the Rottweiler, improving the knowledge of the fans, breeders and the general public about the breed Rottweiler in all aspects including breeding, caring, training and improving and encouraging the use of the Rottweiler for dog sports. 

The association tries to obtain its goal by using all legal means necessary, including conducting business with profits coming of this business to be used exclusively for realising its goal. These means consist of, but are not limited to, imposing breeding regulations, organising meetings, courses, exhibitions and/of shows, competitions, character and/or selection tests in particular for Rottweilers, establishing and maintaining contacts with other national and international kennel clubs...

The means used may not conflict with the regulations of the Kynologische Unie Sint Hubertus.  The association has requested an affiliation number with the Kynologische Unie Sint Hubertus. She declares after receiving the affiliation number to acknowledge the review agreement of the treaty of 06 January 1908 as well as to accept the current or future regulations of the Koninklijke Maatschappij Sint Hubertus and/or Kynologische Unie Sint Hubertus.

She can own or obtain all the equipment and real estate necessary to obtain her goal and exercise her right of property and all other rights.

Article 3. - Members

The association has active and acceding members. Only adults and natural persons can join. The general assembly can by proposal of the board of directors accept honorary members. They are therefore accepted for indefinite time and are exempt of paying a membership fee.

The number of members is not limited but there have to be at least three members.

In order to become a member, some conditions have to be fulfilled:

A: the membership fee is due yearly and will be determined by the general assembly.

B: accept and respect the statutes and regulations of the association.

C: not being member of associations active in the field cynology or are expected to be, when these associations are not recognised by the Kynologische Unie Sint Hubertus and/or Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

Acceding members are those who are member of the association in their first year. They do not have the right to vote. The acceptance of an acceding member as an active member will be voted by the general assembly by simple majority (halve + one). The general assembly will then approve the active member. By rule of exeption the founders of the association are automatically considered as active members.

The maximum membership fee is 150 euros.

Members who do not pay their membership fee in time, which is by the end of January of the calendar year, will be considered as resigning member. Every member can resign by registered letter to the president of the association. The resignation takes effect on the date of sending the letter and will be written down in a register. Resignating or excluded members do not have any claim on any part of the assets of the association..

All decisions regarding accession, resignation or exclusion of members will be written down in the members register by the board of directors which is kept at the head office of the association.

Article 4. – General assembly

The general assembly consists of active members and is conveined every yar during the first semester of the calendar year.

An extraordinary general assembly can be conveined by the board of directors in case the interest of the association requires an assembly and is to be conveined every time at least one fifth of the members request this.

The general assembly is conveined by means of normal letter or e-mail, at least 8 days before the assembly. The letter will mention the points to be discussed by the board of directors. Every proposal, signed by at least one twentieth of the members will obligatory be discussed. During the general assembly additional points can be discussed and decided in case all members are present or legally represented.

Only active members have the right to vote. They have one vote. Those members entitled to vote may be represented by another member only if a written proxy is presented to the president at the latest at the general assembly. Every member may only represent one other member.

The general assembly is authorized to change the statutes, for the appointment and annulment of executives, commissioners (and if necessary determination of remunerations), to approve accounts and budgets, to discharge the executives and commissioners, for the change from the association to an organisation with social character, to draft internal regulations, to exclude a member, for the dissolution of the association.

The general assembly takes its decisions legally by plain majority (half + one), except for the decisions that require a special majority by law. In case of equality of votes a second vote will be held. When there is still an equality of votes the proposal is denied. When the law states that a special majority is needed in order to be legal and when there are not enough members present or represented, a new general assembly has to be convened in the same manner and with the explicit announcement of the discussion point that then can be voted legally regardless of the number of present or represented members.

After every assembly, a report will be drafted and signed by the president and secretary and will be kept in a register of the secretary. Extracts of the report requested by a third party will be signed by the president alone or by two executives at the same time.

Article 5. – Board of directors

The association is controlled by a board of directors. The members of the board of directors are elected for three years by the general assembly and can be re-elected unless they state clearly they are no longer candidate at the latest at the general assembly. Candidates to be elected as executive by the general assembly are: all members of the association who have been member of the association for two consecutive years at the time of their candidacy. Candidacies are sent by registered letter to the president of the association and have to arrive at least three days before the genera assembly.

The members of the board of directors do not receive pay but may obtain compensation for costs done that are proven, after approval of the board of directors.

The board of directors decides over the allocation of functions within her configuration which is: president, secretary, treasurer …

The board of directors is convened by the president or in case of his absence or incapacity by two executives together. The board of directors meets legally when half of the executives are present and decides by plain majority. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the president decides.

Article 6. - Competences

6.1 The board of directors governs the association and represents it in all legal en extra-judicial actions. The board of directors acts as plaintiff or as defendant in all court matters and decides whether or not it will use legal remedies. She is competent for all actions of government and disposition with no exceptions and for all trade and bank actions.

6.2 All competences that are not assigned by law or by the statutes to the general assembly, will be exercised by the board of directors.

6.3 The board can transfer its competences entirely or partially to one or more members or to a proxy third party for the limited duration of two years and can be revoked at any time.

6.4 Towards a third party the association is legally represented by the signature of the president or the joined signature of two executives. The pieces of daily government as well as all documents needed for the publication and/or lodge at the registry are legally signed by the president alone or by two executives.

6.5. The board of directors that takes notice of possible violations by a member of the association with regard to its statutes or house rules and/or those of the Kynologische Unie Sint Hubertus or in general any act or abstinence by one of its members in conflict with the honour, the goal and/or financial and/or moral interest of the association can act as a disciplinary board. The member involved is to be convened by registered letter. The treatment of a disciplinary case is held publically but the deliberation by the board of directors and the decision is taken behind closed doors. The decision is communicated by registered letter to the member involved and states the possibility of appeal. The possible penalties are: a warning, a reproach or a suspension as a member and as a result the suspension of all rights that come from membership. The period of this suspension is limited to the date of the first general assembly that follows where can be decided to prolong the penalty without possibility to appeal. Against the decision of the board of directors as a disciplinary board appeal is possible. Only the Kynologische Raad of the Kynologische Unie Sint-Hubertus is competent to take notice of this appeal. Appeal is only admissible if it is made by registered letter within the month of communication of the decision to the member involved and if in the same way and within the same period of time this has been communicated to the association. In the other case the penalty is definite. Appeal has no suspensory effect with regard to the execution of the penalty.

Article 7. - Accounts

7.1 The year of service of the association is from 1st January to 31 December.

7.2 The revenues of the association can consist of:

membership fees;

the profits realized by organizing activities as mentioned in article 2 of the statutes;

donations, allowances, legacies.

7.3 The book-keeping of the revenues and expenses is done by the rules applicable to the association

7.4 On the yearly held general assembly the board of directors presents the balance of the past year and the budget of the following year for approval. The assets and/or account balances cannot be payed to the members as dividend or otherwist but they will increase the assets of the association.

7.5 The approval of the accounts and the budget legally implies the relief of of the members of the board of directors.

Article 8. - Dissolution

8.1 The association cannot be held responsible for more than the total of its net actives.

8.2 In case of voluntary dissolution the general assembly will appoint one or more liquidators and determine their competences.

8.3 In case of dissolution the assest, after payment of the debts, will be transferred to an association, foundation or institution that has the same goals as the association and if this association, foundation or institution is recognized by the Koninklijke Unie Sint Hubertus. Lacking such association the assets will be transferred to the Koninklijke Kynologische Unie Sint Hubertus.

Article 9. - Varia

For all that is not regulated explicitely by the statutes, the law of 27 June 1921 applies.

Hereby decided by the extraordinary general assembly, held at Roeselare, 17 September 2015.