



AGENDA 2024:



         17/08/2024 NBRC Invictus Sieger show @ Gullegem with Igor Dubovenko(UKR)

        More info: Eddy Dewolf tel: +32 476 799767 or email








09/05/2024 Added new breeding announcement



05/05/2024  NBRC ZTP & BSE -Eric Joseph(ADRK)


Viking Hof Chao
Talle Du Domaine D'Helfy et Ganja
Ultima von Sahales
Vino van de Blinkhoeve
Viper Van't Hof Ter Plas
Virpy Van't Hof Ter Plas
Passed ZTP :
Blade vom Haus of Solid Rotts
Trixie Hof Ter Cammen
Ugo Warrior of Asnas



01/04/2024 Congratulations - Proficiat

Sophie & Kastaar vom Hause Neubrand IGP2 93-90-93


Philippe & Peggy Sue de I'lliason IGP2 89-84-81



20/01/2024 Added new breeding announcement





20/09/2023 Added new breeding announcement

Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member




NBRC Invictus CAC show 2023 RESULTS







*RESULTS 04/06/2023 Berlare -  BSE/ZTP* Paul-Dieter Viehoff


Jonathan Rebuffatti with Kara Vom Weital = passed with rate GOOD
Justin Deleu with Thor Hof Chao = passed with rate VERY GOOD
Lacroix Philippe Lacroix Magali with Saratoga De Lilliason = passed with rate GOOD
 Steven Heirman with Ljiljana Of Nicolas Lion = passed with rate VERY GOOD
Hof Ter Cammen Rottweilers with Ullie Van't Puntshofke = passed with rate EXCELLENT
Sammy Hertecant with Toto From House Hertog = Withdrawn




*RESULTS 08/04/2023 Berlare -  Passed Socialisation test*

NBRC TSG with judges Roger Van Den Abeele & Jenny Kiekens
Viking Hof Chao passed Rottweiler
Vino Van De Blinkhoeve passed Rottweiler
Vitus Van Het Falconsnest passed Rottweiler
Virpy Van Het Hof Ter Plas passed Rottweiler
Toto From House Hertog passed Rottweiler
Tranne Vom Hause Minzenwald passed Rottweiler
Saratoga De I'lliason passed Rottweiler
Viper Van Het Hof Ter Plas passed Rottweiler
Kara Vom Weital passed Rottweiler
Teslaatje passed German sherped
Vanda Van Het Falconsnest passed Rottweiler
Ultimate Uston Witte Duivels Domein absend



03/09/2022 Added new breeding announcement

Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member




NBRC Invictus CAC show 2022 RESULTS

Invictus 2022 photos 1

Invictus 2022 photos 2




27/07/2022 Added new breeding announcement

Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member











Results & Photos of the 1st B/C couple competition


Congratulations to Peter & Stella From House Hertog!

IGP I (97-90-88)

Also winning the NBRC Rookie of the year -tittle!

Results from year 2021: IGP I, ZTP, BH, Soc.test, 80 points on B/C



Michel & Timo van de Mipas for passing BH in Hasselt

Melissa & Santo v/h Falconsnest V1 RCAC in Genk


New medewerker: Welcome Koen van Duyse


New litter




NRC Klub Sieger

Justin & Thor Hof Chao V2 in Youth class

Luc & Qibo Hof Chao V2 in working class

Eddy & Plato Hof Chao V1 in breeders class



Christel & Sue vom Weisenstadt V2 in open class 








Luc & Qibo Hof Chao - IGP1 (82-75-84)

Peter & Stella From House Hertog - BH & Obedience brevet




*RESULTS 19/06/2021 Uitbergen - BSE/ZTP*



Storm Von Der Golan - Höhen, Exellent

Shot Gun From House Hertog, Very Good

Geisha de L’illiason, Very Good

Sienna From House Hertog, Very Good

Rey Hof Chao, Very Good

Q – Nell Van Kampshof, Very Good

Sue Vom Weisenstadt, Excellent

Pixie From House Hertog, Very Good

Star From House Hertog, Very Good



Qibo Hof Chao, Excellent

Stella From House Hertog, Very Good

Quito du mont des Brumes, Excellent

Q’ Shadow Vom Römischen Legion, Excellent





Eddy Carlier - New NBRC helper!





*RESULTS -  Passed Socialisation test*

Michel & Timo vd Mipas (NBRC)

Shiran & Troy Krieger vom Ares (NBRC)

Evy & Q-Nell van Kampshof (NBRC)

Eddy + Cindy & Theia Krieger vom Ares (NBRC)



19/04/2021 Added new breeding announcement

Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member



04/09/2018  Added new breeding announcement

Updated Agenda

New Sport responsible: Ludo Kox


20/09/2020 Added new breeding announcements

Updated Agenda

*RESULTS 20/09/2020 Nieuwied (ADRK)*

Qibo Hof Chao & Luc Jacobs V2 Open Class



09/08/2020 Added new breeding announcement



*RESULTS 07/03/2020 Zwalm -  Passed Socialisation test*


Guy  & Silke Vom Schwarzen (NBRC)
Eddy C & Sleipnir Vom Schloss Hexental (NBRC)
Yannic & Olso
Philippe  & O'Geisha De L'Iliason (NBRC)
Patrick & Vyta Van Ter Borcht
Filip & Wesje van het Neerhof
Lennart & Sya Van De Utadreef
Jonathan & Rey Hof Chao (NBRC)
Sophie & Pixie From House Hertog (NBRC)
Luc & Fieke , the small toy poedel
Ellen & Pepsi Lewirot (NBRC)
Kristof & Sister Odette van 't Duinenzicht





Sir Tjesco v/d Golan-Höhen (Yves Vandebuerie) - BH - Passed
Plato Hof Chao (Eddy Dewolf) - BH - Passed
Paco Hof Chao (Roel Somers) - BH - Passed




Eindhoven 09/02/2020 Sofie & Pixie From House Hertog V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

AS 09/02/2019 Paul & QIbo vd Tripelallianz passed BH

Added new breeding announcement



19/01/2020 CAC IGP Uitbergen Pascal Dehaene & Mauser vom Schloss Hexental 93/83/80 = 256 IGP III

Added new breeding announcement


30/12/2019 Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member


22/12/2019 Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member




Storm v/d Golan-Höhen (Virpi Nykänen) - BH - Passed
Hidanna's Box Quiero - BH - Passed
Qimat Hof Chao (Roel Somers) - BH - Passed

Raky Van Ferflo - BH - Passed

Frenzi vom rhöner blut - IGP III - 88 - 78 - 78

Antafaxxes Lucifer (Michel Schurgers) - IGP III - 96 - 74 - 81

Nato van ‘t puntshofke (Ludo Kox) IGP III - 87 - 88 - 91
Phalco van de Donauhoeve  - GHP III - 10 - 74 - 85 -Disq
Nato van ‘t puntshofke (Ludo Kox) is also the new NBRC-IGP-Winner-2019!




27/10/2019 Added new breeding announcement

Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member


23/10/2019 Updated Agenda


10/10/2019 Added new breeding announcement







Our 2nd NBRC BSE/ZTP was a great success. Our biggest thank you Uwe Petermann for coming to judge with us.

Also our thank you to Sectie Vlaamse-Ardennen Zwalm, your hospitality and food was super.

To all the co-workers and our helper Yves present, big thank you. It would not have been possible without all of you.

And of course thank you and congratulations to all participants. You can be very proud on your dog and on yourself also.

Here under all results and a link to photo gallery.



Robin v/d Golan-Höhen (BSE) passed, Excellent

               Q'Shadow Von Römsichen Legion  (BSE) passed, Excellent

               Plato Hof Chao (BSE) passed, Excellent

               Paco Hof Chao (BSE) pulled back

             Quincy Ayse vom Hause Limnander (BSE) passed, Very Good

            Qimat Hof Chao (BSE) passed, Very Good

Qira Hof Chao (BSE) passed, Very Good

                          Miss Hlin de la Vallée des Glaciers (ZTP) passed, Excellent











Yves Vandebuerie - new ADRK-helper!




10/03/2019 Michel Schurgers & Ankafaxxes Lucifer IGP3: 96-92-87 = 275 points

Ludo Kox & Nato van't Puntshofke IGP3: 84-91-96 = 271 points



Eddy Carlier & Miss Hlin de la Vallee des Glaciers

09/03/2019 IGP2: 92-91-91 = 274 points

02/03/2019 Obedience competition section 4B = 100/100 points



*RESULTS 02/03/2018 Berlare -  Passed Socialisation test*

Van Herck Chris & Rea van Osila's Hof 
Jacobs Luc & Qibo Hof Chao 
Dewolf Eddy & Robin Von Den Golan Höhen 
Vergeylen Feie & Qira Hof Chao 
Van Damme Annouschka & Quincy Vom Hause Limnander
Dewolf Eddy & Plato Hof Chao 
Vande Capelle Jean & Hiva Iz Tverskogo Doma
Van Herck Chris & Opportunity Opium witte duivels Domein 
Nykänen Virpi & Storm Von Den Golan Höhen 
Wolfs Jurgen & Qali Vom Falkay's Hof 









Quick Hof Chao (Eddy Dewolf) - BH - Passed
Nando Hof Chao (Eddy Dewolf) - GHP I B -77
Oakley p'ti Monde d'Isakt1 - GHP II A - 85
Phalco van de Donauhoeve (Annemie van den Berghe) - GHP II- Disq
Antafaxxes Lucifer (Michel Schurgers) - GHP III - 80-86-86
Antafaxxes Lucifer is also the new NBRC-GHP-Winner-2018!






Our 1st NBRC BSE/ZTP was a great success. Our biggest thank you Paul Dieter Viehoff for coming to judge with us.

Also our thank you to Sectie Vlaamse-Ardennen Zwalm, your hospitality and food was super.

To all the co-workers and our helper Yves present, big thank you. It would not have been possible without all of you.

And of course thank you and congratulations to all participants. You can be very proud on your dog and on yourself also.

Here under all results and a link to photo gallery.     


 Nando Hof Chao (BSE) passed

               P'Sura Vom Hause Wenke (BSE) not passed

               Olaf Hof Chao (BSE) passed

               Para Vom Hause Wenke (BSE) passed

             Tron's Valley N'Oubliez Jamais (BSE) passed

            Quick Hof Chao (BSE) passed

            Locco vom Thrudvangar (ZTP) passed

              Lioness van het Polderbos (ZTP) passed       





04/09/2018  Added new breeding announcement

Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member












Beste Rottweiler vrienden ,
Betreffende onze eerste KS van as zaterdag in Olmen , hebben we zeer spijtig nieuws ontvangen van dhr Edgar Hellmann.
Door medische problemen kan hij zaterdag niet aanwezig zijn , zo zijn wij genoodzaakt om alle aanwezige honden te laten keuren door de dhr Frank Beiboer. Onze dank aan dhr. Beiboer voor zijn bereidwilligheid.
We wensen de ADRK Hauptzuchtwart Edgar Hellmann een spoedig herstel en we maken een afspraak met “Edde“ voor onze show in 2019.

De show begint om 09:30.
Wegens het NBRC bestuur
Chers amis Rottweiler,
En ce qui concerne notre premier KS, samedi à Olmen, nous avons reçu de très mauvaises nouvelles de M. Edgar Hellmann.
Malheureusement il ne peut pas être présent le samedi pour des raisons médicales et nous sommes obligés de faire approuver tous les chiens par M. Frank Beiboer.
Il a été convaincu de bien maîtriser la tâche et lui remercions pour sa disposition.
Nous souhaitons un bon rétablissement au directeur de l'élevage de l'ADRK Edgar Hellmann et nous organisons une rencontre avec "Edde" pour notre spectacle en 2019.

Le show le 28 commence a 9h30.
Au nom de la comitie NBRC ,
Dear Rottweiler friends
Concerning our first KS next Saturday in Olmen, we have unfortunately received sad news from Mr. Edgar Hellmann.
Due to medical problem he is not going to be present at our show.
We have asked Mr. Frank Beiboer to take over the judgement for the males also. Mr. Beiboer has confirmed to do all the judgement and we want to say our biggest Thank You to him.
We wish ADRK Hauptzuchtwart Edgar Hellmann a fast recovery and will make a new appointment with “Edde” for our show in 2019.

The show starts at 09:30.
On behalf of the NBRC committee
Liebe Rottweiler Freunde,
In Bezug auf unseren ersten KS vom Samstag in Olmen haben wir sehr traurige Nachrichten von Herrn Edgar Hellmann erhalten.
Aus medizinischen Gründen kann er am Samstag leider nicht anwesend sein, und wir sind gezwungen, die Hunde von Herrn Frank Beiboer genehmigen zu lassen. Er war überzeugt die Aufgabe alleine meistern zu können ist wofür wir und herzlich bedanken.
Wir wünschen dem ADRK-Hauptzuchtwart Edgar Hellmann eine baldige Genesung und wir verabreden uns mit "Edde" für unsere Show im Jahr 2019.

Die Show beginnt am 28. um 9.30 Uhr.
Im Namen der NBRC Leitung,



*RESULTS 31/03/2018 Roosdaal -  Passed Socialisation test*

Some great results again from NBRC-members:


Kathleen & Dadanadako

Eddy & Paco Hof Chao

Eddy & Quick Hof Chao

Kristin & Oonah Hof Chao

Adriana & Dadanadanka

Roel & Qimat Hof Chao





Photos Sectie-training 31/03/2018


12/04/2018  Added new breeding announcement


17/03/2018  Added new breeding announcement




Simon & Tron's Marley Proud-Marley BH passed (24/02/18 Roeselare)


Ismael & Locco Vom Thrudvangar  IPO III 90/91/ 80 =  261   (CAC 14/02/2018 Koekelare)





03/02/2018 Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member


14/01/2018 At the beginning of January the section Leopoldsburg has debuted in Limburg.

Now we would like to welcome a new section in East Flanders, section Vlaamse-Ardennen (Zwalm)!

Section Leopoldsburg

Section Vlaamse-Ardennen



Updated Agenda


 Added new breeding announcement


06/12/2017  IPO / GHP  weekend with Erwin Klöck at EDC Deinze Belgium

On  02.-03.2017 we have had the privilege to have Mr. Erwin Klöck as our guest in Belgium.

During Saturday 02/12/2017 Erwin was judging  an IPO competition open for all breeds at EDC Deinze ,  the helper was Kenny Goetelen .

All results done with Rottweilers are accepted by ADRK and therefore opening the possibility for these dogs to participate in the future for an ADRK ZTP also.

By this we want to still thank Erwin  for judging and our NBRC members for their work. 




The best Rottweiler of the competition and the 2nd NBRC GHP-Winner

 De Vos Ismaël  & Locco Vom Thrudvangar



De Cock Carl & Olaf Hof Chao - passed

Duyck Isabel & From Laeken Paradise Oops I did it again - passed

Duyck Isabel & N'nuendo Hof Chao - passed

Thuy Benie & Xeni v: Valesca's Home - passed


IPO 2:

Vandebuerie Yves & Oakley p'ti Monde d'isakt -DK



De Vos Ismaël & Locco vom Thrudvangar - 99/80/96 = 275 points NBRC Winner 2017


Congratulations to all participants!



  Our NBRC guys at the ADRK WM 28.-29.10.2017!

Ismael De Vos with Locco vom Thrudvangar in IPO3

82-73-82 = 237 points

Kenny Goetelen as helper

We are very proud!


29/09/2017 Updated Agenda


14/09/2017 Added new breeding announcement


02/08/2017 Added new breeding announcement


NBRC has received it’s official number from Sint Hubertus.

This means that as from end September on we can also organize activities, competitions and shows.

Also our members are able to compete under our number.

We are very much looking forward to build a safe future to our dear breed Rottweiler together with you and making this new start with full confidence.

On behalf of the complete NBRC Team

The President




10/06/2017 Added new breeding announcement


Our weekend in Bückerburg was a big success!

Big thank you for BG Bückeburg und Umgebung for your hospitality, big thank you for all helpers!

Just one word - SUPER! You can see photos from the link here under.…/137238724@N…/sets/72157684284159126


Stay tuned to see our next evenement, more info will follow soon!




*RESULTS -  Passed Socialisation test*

Some great results again from NBRC-members:


Carl & Olaf Hof Chao (15/04/2017 Roosdaal)

Simon & Tron's Marley Proud-Marley (17/02/2017 Langemark)

Belle & Tron's Valley N'oubliez Jamais (17/02/2017 Langemark)



26/04/2017 We are proud and happy to announce that our helper Kenny Goetelen has been selected to be one of the helpers in ADRK Word Championships 2017! Congratulations Kenny, great job!


Considering the development and impact of the genetic disease JLPP we would like to recommend to our breeders to submit their dogs to a test before using them to breed, more information will follow.


08/02/2017 Added new breeding announcement

Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member


We are planning to organize an IPO training weekend 26.-27.5.2017 together with ADRK BG Bückeburg und Umgebung and helpers Markus Maaser & Kenny Goetelen!



Our  Winter walking was a big success!

Thank you all and see you soon on our next evenement!

Click on the photo to enter to photo gallery



On 26 November  we organized our second initiation day in Munte.

About 16 dogs were present and it was a more than successful day. Again we would like to thank our super team!

You can find the pictures of this event by clicking on this link.




02/10/2016 IPO / GHP  weekend with Erwin Klöck at EDC Deinze Belgium

On 17.-18.9.2016 we have had the privilege to have Mr. Erwin Klöck as our guest in Belgium.

During Saturday 17.9. Erwin was judging together with Mr. Joep Selders (Holland) an IPO competition open for all breeds at EDC Deinze ,  the helper was Marino Verkindere .

All results done with Rottweilers are accepted by ADRK and therefore opening the possibility for these dogs to participate in the future for an ADRK ZTP also.

We were very lucky with the weather, had a big number of spectators and brilliant atmosphere during the whole day.

By this we want to still thank Erwin & Joep for their judging and everybody at EDC Deinze & NBRC members for their work. 



The best Rottweiler of the competition and the 1st NBRC GHP-Winner

 Devos Ismaël  & Loco Vom Thrudvangar


Wauters Kaat   /   Nubia’s Princess De La Finca Sapho  / Boxer  /                                Not Passed

Nykänen Virpi   /  Nando Hof Chao  /  Rottweiler /                                                          Passed

Ryckaert Erik  / Casa D’ Agostini O’ Rouge  / Holländischer Schäferhund  /            Passed

Devos Ismaël  /  Loco Vom Thrudvangar  /  Rottweiler  /                                     Passed

Broecks Brigitte  / From Laeken Paradis Nohkalikina  / Laekenois  /                   Passed

Petyt Jonathan  / Mikay Hof Chao  /  Rottweiler  /                                                Not Passed



Boufigi Pierrick  /  N’ Lebron Van Het Polderbos  /  Rottweiler  /                 0 / 76 / 78  =   154 pt




Vandenberghe Christ  /  Jackson Van Hof Ter Cammen  /  Rottweiler  /       88 pt



Matton James  /  Eron De Clos Du Bruaysis  /  Bouvier des Flandres  /       30  / 75 /  90   = 195 pt

Samaey Patrick  / Cazan Hauwaskan  / Bouvier des Flandres  /                  93 / 84 / 99     =  276 pt

Samaey  Patrick  /  Lobo Van De Causidicus  /  Bouvier des Flandres /      90 / 95  / 94     =  279 pt 


On Sunday 18.9. we arranged an IPO training day together with Erwin.

Totally 11 rottweilers in different ages had possibility to do obedience and bite work together with Erwin. We were really blessed to have this possibility to hear Erwin’s opinions and tips.

Super day, super trainings and shared passion for  “ Rottweiler “  – what else can you still ask?


Click to enter to photo gallery1

Click  to enter to photo gallery2

Click  to enter to photo gallery3


Updated affiliated breeder's list with a new member



05/04/2016 We are proud and happy to announce that our helper Kenny Goetelen has passed the ADRK helper exam Saturday and received as first foreign helper ever an ADRK helper-license!

He has also been selected to be one of the helpers in ADRK Word Championships 2016! Congratulations Kenny, great job!

This means also that we are able from now on to have in Belgium IPO and ZTP competitions with ADRK judges that will also count for the ADRK!!



29/02/2016 Added new breeding announcement

Also some great results again from NBRC-members:

Today in Roosdaal passed following dogs their socialisation test:

Roel & Maj Hof Chao

Gianni & Mr T van Hof Ter Cammen

Eddy & Nando Hof Chao

Bart & Kayliah Hof Chao

Kathleen & Oti Hof Chao and Kiran Hof Chao


13/02/2016 in working competition EDC

Bart & Jupp vom Haus Minzenwald IPO2 (94/71/70)

Bart & Kayliah Hof Chao BH


16/03/2016 On behalf of the whole NBRC – National Belgian Rottweiler Club we want to congratulate our member

Christ Vandenberghe & Jackson van hof ter cammen for their victory on the BRK IPO Championship!

Big congratulations!


On the same competition we were also proudly watching helper Kenny Goetelen doing great and honest work with all dogs!

Proud to have you as one of our team!




29/02/2016 Added new breeding announcement



24/01/2016 Added new breeding announcement



20/01/2016 First of all our best wishes for 2016, the first official year for the NBRC.

We hope to meet our members and supporters as much as possible on our activities, to start with on

10th April at the EDC club in Deinze, where we are going to organize our first initiation day for Rottweilers.

This will include obedience, tracking, show training, bitework etc. quided by very skilled person.

On behalf of the NBRC Team




02/01/2016 Our Christmas walking was a big success! Almost 100 happy walkers with their dogs!

Thank you all and see you soon on our next evenement!

Click on the photo to enter to photo gallery


13/12/2015 Few members of NBRC have been participating to a competition in ADRK BG Speicher.

Members of NBRC can always email results and/or photos for our news page.



02/12/2015 Added new breeding announcement